- original music and arrangements -

Vision Quest

Vision Quest

Ever since I started playing the Native American Flute (just a few years back), I have written quite a few tunes featuring these flutes with song titles that evoke aspects of Native American culture and/or history. A select few have been gathered together here.

In keeping with this site's multimedia approach—this section highlights not only the music but also provides a robust set of links for further info. Viewers are encouraged to delve deeper and learn more.

What is a Vision Quest?

In some Native American cultures, a vision quest is a rite of passage done in solitude to reflect and explore the human-nature connection. The experience is meant to deepen their sense of purpose in life (see the title tune below). This song collection below also serves as a "vision quest" for visitors—connecting the listener to oft to the neglected history and cultures of America's first nations. Enjoy listening and learning...


Part One

Vision Quest

Vision Quest

Native American flutes and Trombone
Finding a purpose in life and your role in the community while alone at a sacred site deep in nature...

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We Wonder Why

Native American Flute, Frame Drums and Vocals
Forced to scatter... A never ending legacy of broken promises
(Indian Removal, Trail of Tears, Broken Treaties...)

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One With The Land

Native American Flute, Frame Drums and Vocals
Inspired by Chief Seattle’s eloquent plea
"Every meadow and flower holds the spirit and power..."

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Native American Flute, Trombone and Vocals
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

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Part Two

Red Cloud's Revenge

Native American Bass Flute
Lakota warrior - "I have but a small spot of land left. The Great Spirit told me to keep it."

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Quiet Determination

Native American Bass Flute and Trombone
Standing tall in a world of injustice. Native American's determination to survive and preserve their culture ...

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Native American Bass Flute
Gone but not forgotten...
"Vanquished Visions" or "Vanquished Visionaries"

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Red Earth

Native American Bass Flute
icon From the Nature Suite. "For us there was no wilderness, nature was not dangerous but hospitable, not forbidding but friendly. Our faith sought the harmony of man with his surroundings..."

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Part Three

Running with the Sun

Native American Flutes
"No matter where you roam, always keep the warmth of the sun in your heart."

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Native American Double Flute
A ceremonial tribute to Atira, the Pawnee Goddess of the Earth, Sacred Mother of every living creature.

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Inca Roads

Inca Roads

Pan Pipes
A mish mash of Andean pan pipes, Brazilian rhythms (Baião) and interesting chordal changes evoke thoughts of a lost empire in the hountains.

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Dance of the Gahe

Native American Flute
Hundreds of years ago, the Apache mountain spirit was heard playing his drums. The Apache people began to dance to his beat, and Gahe rewarded them by healing their sicknesses.

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Part Four



Native American Double Flute
Orenda is the life force of sacred energy in everything... Animals, plants, nature, and people are all interconnected in a complex web of life.

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Distant Memories

Distant Memories

Native American Double Flute
Faded recollections of a different era when the buffalo overwhelmed the prairies...

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Native American Flute
An autumn celebration of peace...

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Tribal Tensions

Tribal Tensions

Native American Flute and the Big Frame Drum
Warfare in Native American Societies...

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Part Five

Wakan Tanka

Wakan Tanka

Native American Bass Flute
The Great Mystery... Mellow and mystical

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Standing Tall

Standing Tall

Native American Flute
The Spirit of Defiance...

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War Cry

War Cry

Native American Flutes, War Cry Vocals
Fearless in the face of death...

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War Cry


Native American Flute, Drum Circle Percussion
Infectiously happy....

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Part Six



Native American Flute, String Orchestra
A way of life for many...

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gone forever...

Gone (Forever...)

Native American Flutes
A sad and nostalgic lament for a lost era...

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Walking the Red Road

Walking the Red Road

Native American Flute
Native American Spirituality

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Native American Flute and Acoustic Piano
Solace for troubled times...

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Elder Native American


Red Cedar Native American Flute
Against all odds there's still optimism

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Part Seven


Rain Dance

Native American Bass Flute, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion
Ceremonial Ritual Dance

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Further Info